Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Is it a bit weird that I have named my car "Starley-Bob"???? Well it wasn't really my idea, it was my best friend (she's weird..).. It all started in 5th year when I got the nickname Shinnie-Bob, soon after my other friends got named Chinmey-Bob and Curly-Bob-Sue.. We have just a little obsession with the word BOB!

So I wasn't long driving when my car got its nickname too... About a week... :)

Anyway anyway HERE -->
Is a photo of Starley in Dublin one day, my dope of a brother managed to get it clamped!!
If you havn't copped on already, its a Toyota Starlet so the name does suit it...

And yes, I managed to damage the car already.. Stupid pier getting in my way!! Well I was not a happy bunny... It is only a scrape but my Starley does have feelings..

It gets me from A ---> B and thats all that matters!! For now.. Until I can afford to spend more on a car... MMmmmm cars.......

1 comment:

Dean Fitz said...

Cut your arches! That noise is unantural!